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Profile 17+ PJC 20/12/90 the_ashkid@hotmail.com joash_lee@pacific.net.sg
Wants 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Norah Jones' Album 7.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005 thanks guys for the encouragements. i'm officially sick. flu, cough, a lil' fever. seen a doctor. gave me mc. $41 worth of medicine. and i told him about my knee. guess wat he said. he said better excuse me from volleyball for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS!! can you believe that? how can i not train for 2 weeks? sigh... he said if still bad then go for x-ray. crap. and this saturday's the l&l conference. abel and i can't take it anymore. so much stuff to do.. we are all getting sick.. and the rest are all like not helping. :/ it isn't fair. my heart is calling out your name. sweet anointing fill this place. joash lee at 6:44 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 my world is falling apart. everything is going out of control. nothing seems to be right. one of which is my studies. failed a math test terribly.. and i mean real terrible. single digit/30. that's how bad it is. barely passed e math. passed by 3 marks. and i got 2 tests tml which i havnt started studying at all. and this week is test week. they MUST have the learners and leaders conference this week. besides studying, we still have to plan for it and all that crap. and the committee is like so busy already. some of them are involved in some entrepeneur thingy so they are more busy and the rest just can't be bothered. and my class' attitude is changing for the worse. ok maybe not the whole class but some of them..everything is piling up so quickly. i'm like being engulfed by quicksand. in a matter of seconds, i may just drown. i shall stop blogging. will start again ASAP. some things just weren't meant to be... joash lee at 5:36 PM
Monday, July 25, 2005 i've just realised how very very important things are. joash lee at 10:17 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005 know when you are at a crossroad in your life? and after you've decided which path to take, something inside you is reluctant. you get confused all over again. and after you've taken that road, you hesitate as you walk and keep looking back to see and make sure it is the right path. once you turn back and go back, that's the end of you. that's what they all say. "there's no turning back" i think that's rubbish. like now, i'm at a crossroad in my life. i'm holding alot of things dear to me. they are so close that i will not be able to let go. friends, family, sports, music, relationships... it's never ending. but i know that God doesn't want me to stay this way. he wants me to put all these issues at the altar, and lay it at his feet. surrendering it all to him. like this--- dropping all of your belongings at the crossroad, and taking only one thing, that is the cross. For he said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Jesus didn't say pick up his cross once, but daily. so everyday we must surrender to him, knowing that he's there guiding us and in control of everything. for those of you who are in trouble or distress, and feel that God is not anywhere near you, take heart. For the Bible say in 2 corinthians 12:7-10 says ," To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4 therefore i urge all of you to persevere to the prize God has set and prepared for you. " Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14 so brothers and sisters, press on! joash lee at 6:47 PM
Saturday, July 23, 2005 finally bought my knee guard. i will wear it during training only. and if worse comes to worse, i will wear it everywhere i go. the busyness has come to a stop. i now have a bit more time for everything. thank God for multiplying my time. short post today. got nothing to talk about. you will never know how much you mean to me joash lee at 9:30 PM
Thursday, July 21, 2005 I am falling to my knees I need You Lord to breathe in me My prayer is still the same My heart is calling out Your Name Sweet anointing fill this place I am found in Your embrace Rain down on me rain down on me Here in Your presence I am free Pour down like rain Come touch me again Lord let Your presence fall on me I’m longing just to see Your power and majesty Sweet anointing wash me over… joash lee at 6:33 PM
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 my knee hurts like crap after training today. whenever i bend, it hurts. and i have to try to walk straight. cant bend my knees too much or else i'll die of pain. why do you have to bear a grudge? f you continue to live with that grudge in your heart, you will never live a happy live. why are you so petty? getting angry over trivial matters..and that seed of grudge will grow to become a tree of grudge. then it will be hard to cut it down. do you even want to in the first place? some people just get angry over small things. i dunno why. its hard to retalliate against vulgarities cos when people scold you, you will be speechless. thats wat im trying to change in my life. i wanna retalliate! but not with profanities, but with other words. ppl are just so scared of profanities, gangsters and all. i wonder why.. joash lee at 10:53 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 i'm so proud of myself! i managed to control my anger! i was SO SO SO pissed during PE. ______ made me angry. although _______ is ignorant. i just kept it in my heart and asked God to cool me down. If i'm living for him, i can't lash it out at ______ cos that's not the way God wants it to be. so in my heart i decided to forgive _______. i shouldnt let this matter affect my whole day's mood cos it's just not worth it. i hope thru this people will see that i'm Jesus' disciple. and now i have to start on my "100 reasons to go to grace home". i doubt there will be 100 reasons but 20 is enough. yup. joash lee at 7:57 PM
Monday, July 18, 2005 i'm really really excited for missions. just heard alot about grace home which is located in myanmar on sunday when the director of YFC went to uncle noel's house. maybe we'll go there. today was terrible. the whole time i was trying real hard to unblock my nose. i used 3 packets of tissue. i'm sick. and during chinese lesson, they criticised the teacher for being lousy. they said she never taught them the meaning of the words and all. but when she started teaching, they ALL were talking. except for some quiet ones. was really angry and i felt bad for her.if i was her, i would have just walked out of the class. but i kept it to myself and shifted my seat to the most front row. just in front of the wall to isolate myself. terrorists threats are so real in our lives now. southern thailand has imposed the emergency alert or something like that. because of a bomb that exploded and killed 2 policemen. God has been so gracious to Singapore. the terrorists attacked other places except singapore. i thank God for singapore's ever so smart and alert government. few years back, they detected a terrorist video that showed the plans to bomb yishun mrt. undeserved mercy---grace. thats wat God has been giving us. joash lee at 6:18 PM
Saturday, July 16, 2005 it is in times of difficulty when you really cry out to God and seek Him. thighs are still aching from training. now i understand how old people feel when they walk down or up the staircase. but i try not show it. about the sentence on top. i can feel God speaking ever so clearly to me now. cos of some matters that shall not be disclosed here. i really thank God for always being there. 24/7. even when i'm sleeping, when i'm playing, when i'm studying, when i'm running around in pulau ubin... yup. now i'm really crying to God. and he is answering me. clearing all my doubts about the problems i have. to trust and obey Him. for there's no other way.TOMORROW'S SUNDAY!! -flamingtorch- /burningforhim/ joash lee at 10:14 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 chapel today. sermon by mrs wendy chiang was very good. it hit the bullseye. she talked about everyone following fashion to show off who they really are. and they tend to be followers of the most popular clique in class. but she said that Jesus looks at the heart while men looks at the appearance. so there. it's up to you who you want to please. either you please people around you and have many 'friends', or you please God and have rewards in heaven. she also said that you should not be getting security from your friends. you should be getting security from God. to quote rick(i hope you dun mind): "In the search for my identity, I found truth. In the search for truth, I discovered love. In the search of love, I uncovered God. And in this God called Jesus, I have found everything I'd been looking for." so turn your eyes upon Jesus and you shall find all that you need. I watched fantastic 4 yesterday nite with my bro and dad. it was quite good. just to mention something...you know the guy walking on fire--aka human torch? i just wanna be like him, not literally, but to also be a torch, a shining light for Jesus. wherever i go, whatever i do, people can feel the fire that is burning in my heart for God. TORCH'D joash lee at 7:41 PM
Monday, July 11, 2005 many things happened this month. i guess i'll say a few things. i got betrayed by 2 of my school 'friends', complimented by some people, got extra workload to do some stuff,(i got so much to do le still give me some more, and others got nothing to do!) and loved God with all my heart. i always get angry when i do extra stuff tat no one else is doing, and it happens almost every week. for example- i had to set up the 4 x-boxes by myself in t-zone because the others were late. and it had to be up by 3pm. u know how hard it is? 4 x-boxes le. but i dun pity myself because the Bible encourages me. "in whatever you do, do as if working for the Lord, not for men." so i see it as working for the Lord,and i wun complain. and i have to collect funds for missing volleyballs, find out who's free on what day for volleyballers and councillors in my department. and the sad thing is, no one else is helping! it seems like everyone is pushing the workload to me. they all dun know how busy i am! and i keep failing tests because i got no time to study. and ______ keep asking me why i never study. you wanna see my schedule? monday---school/do homework tuesday---school/councillors workshop till 6.30/tuition at 8-10/church band practice(alternate weeks)@7.30-9.30 wednesday---school/ICL/training till 6.45/tuition at 8-10 thursday---school/t-zone duty till 5+/do homework friday---school/council meeting/training till 6.45/prayer meeting @7.30-9.30 saturday---do homework/training from 2-5/ rest sunday---church from 8-12/PCM(alternate weeks)from 1-5/do homework and on top of that, they are pressing me to play for chapel. ok. let me now say why i am reluctant to play for chapel.ministry is all about serving God, not showing off. and i know many people join the chapel team to show off. and its not the minority. they just care about the good music, they dun care who they are playing for. so do you think i should play? i dun think so. im really really tired. every week is this routine. but i dun mind going to church everyday cos to be with God is really a refreshing time! joash lee at 5:19 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005 hey guys. just came back from church service. 39th anniversary. yay! haha. tonight's service was really good. i guess everyone was freely worshipping once again. come to talk about worship, you all should go read reuben morgan's website. www.reubenmorgan.com under imagination and inspiration. i guess that's the true meaning of worship. go take time to read it. i wanna love God with my whole heart!!! I SO LOVE GOD!!!! who can fathom the depth of your love? joash lee at 9:21 PM
Thursday, July 7, 2005 I just want to thank God for reaffirming my future. I guess i won't say what, but all you need to know is that i know where i'm going and what i'll be doing after my secondary school days. Please pray for pastor barnabas as there is something wrong with his knee. It's very hard for him to walk, so please pray. And for pastor lynette, please also pray for her that her back would be healed. Also for London as the transport system is closed down due to bombings. It was reported that there were 6 explosions. 2 dead and 9 injured so far. for more info check out http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8492258/ . Pray that the people will be protected, and that the rescuers would be able to free trapped people and that God would watch over the British. (courtesy of shengkai) My knee is also getting worse. It's so temperamental. One day it's ok, the other it's not. Today i had difficulty walking down the stairs. See what the world's coming to? Bombings everywhere...What for? Sigh. Why can't there be world peace where everyone lives together without any troubles? I don't want to waste another day. I want to make full use of my life that God has given me. For I am handpicked by Jesus to bear fruit.(John 15:16) I can't wait for missions. joash lee at 6:46 PM
Sunday, July 3, 2005 We could go on the mrt trains and spread the gospel. The commuters have nothing to do but wait for their stop so must as well take the opportunity. Imagine if we could spend one whole day doing this. Can you think how many people will come to know of Christ? Plus, if the Holy Spirit fills us, we can do far more than we can ever ask or imagine. Why should we be selfish and keep the gospel to ourselves? We must let others know too, so that they will be saved. Why should we be ashamed of the gospel? After all, it is the GOOD NEWS! We are the light of the world. Therefore we must go out and shine the light for others so that they won't live in darkness. We are the salt of the earth. We must bring joy and taste to others around us. Instead of chatting/gossiping on msn, why not find a non-christian who is online and tell him about God? This way more people will know about Christ. I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL!!! joash lee at 9:37 PM