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Sunday, August 21, 2005 experiencing God. all of us will have times of spiritual dryness. it may not be once only, it could be many times, to test your faith. if you are not shaken, that means you have a strong foundation in Christ. i remember there was this sunday school song that we used to sing. the wise man build his house upon a rock, the wise man build his house upon a rock, the wise man build his house upon a rock, and the rain came tumbling down. the rain came down and the floods came up, the rain came down and the floods came up, the rain came down and the flodds came up, and the house of the rock stood firm. the foolish man build his house upon the sand, the foolish man build his house upon the sand, the foolish man build his house upon the sand, and the rain came tumbling down. the rain came down and the floods came up, the rain came down and the floods came up, the rain came down and the floods came up, and the house of the sand went SMASH! notice the bold words. if you have a really strong foundation in Christ, you will stand firm no matter what obstacles you face in life. if you're experiencing dryness, here is some advice. continue to seek him everyday. pray that he will draw near to you as you draw near to him. if you do not even try to draw near to him, do you think he will? He really wants to draw near to you, but if you do not seek him, he cant. do you think he wants to be separated from you? no! he made us so that we could fellowship with him. he makes us go through this spiritual dryness thingy because he loves us and wants to see us grow more and more like him each day. people who have weak foundations will when in times of dryness, turn to others and curse and swear at God. for a start, thank God for everything that he has given you. commit everything into his hands. let me give you a real life example. i used to have some problems in _______. i thought that if i surrendered it to him, everything would be fine. i did, and after a while, i started to do things my way. soon, everything was going out of control. one day, i sat down and thought about it. i wasnt really letting God taking control of my whole life, just a part of it. from that day on, i've decided to give my all to him. and guess what? everything went well the next day. i'm serious. trust God with all your heart. proverbs 2:4,5 says," trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall make your paths staight." He has a very detailed plan of your life already. he knows your every move. so instead of giving it all to him, why are we clinging on to things that he is in control of? why not let the master be in charge? trust me, if you give your life to Jesus, he will definitely direct your paths. joash lee at 7:18 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005 today in english lesson, miss ho gave us a very thought-provoking question. actually she gave a variety of questions. What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of studying? What if you have a serious illness just before your 'O's or 'A's? it really got me thinking throughout the whole day. well, not for the first question. but for the rest. I'm speaking from a religious perspective. You don't have to agree with me. If you've read the 'purpose driven life' by rick warren, you would already know the purpose of life. There are basically 5 purposes in life. To worship God, to grow to become more like him, to have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, to serve him in ministries, and last but not least, to spread the good news that Jesus lives. doing anything that glorifies God is considered worship. many people think that only singing songs is a form of worship. nah.. praying, clapping, jumping, kneeling, taking down sermon notes are all forms of worshipping him. Jesus has set an example for us to follow, so we will grow in his likeness. God gave us friends and family to support us and encourage us. god has given us gifts to serve him. the gifts are also to bless other people around you. We have to evangelise, because the great commision God gave us was to be his witnesses in Jeruselam, in all of judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth. This life is just a rehearsel till we get to heaven. it is like a practice time. Its a temporary assignment. Earth is not our home. heaven is. when we die, we do not leave home. we go home. adapted from 'The Purpose Driven Life' written by Rick Warren studying. why do we study? is it for the sake of getting 8 A1s on the report card? our society has become so obsessed with winning. Now the cool mentality to have is 'winning is everything, you cant get 2nd. you gotta be the best in everything.' It has left no leeway for people to fail. in everything you do, you've gotta succeed. Singapore is fighting to be first in everything. 1st in terms of airport, port, security, technology.... the list goes on. Society has become this way, such that there is no room for failures. Once you fail something, that's it. You're out. everything gotta succeed. This is not the way! If there's no room for failure, then how will people learn to pick themselves up after they fall? they can't! there's this chinese saying," when you fall down, you must learnt to get up on your own." 'die dao le, zai pa qi lai.' i guess there's no need for this anymore because people are no longer given the chance to get up. once you're down, means you're out. we have all conformed to the world such that we all want our certificates to look good. We study just for the certs so that we can secure a job in future. That mentality sucks. When i went to OBBD, after we got our certs, raffie(my instructor) said this thing that i'll never forget. "The certificate is not important. I can tear it up or burn it. So what? It's what you bring back that counts. If you didn't learn anything throughout this course, this certificate is useless." we learn so that we can gain knowledge, and in the mean time to learn how to cope with stress. let me give you a real life example. today, i was supposed to go take the chemistry re-test because i failed, but it wasn't compulsory. ms liang said that she gave this re-test so that we could pass. but no matter what score you get, as long as it's a pass, she'll give you only a 20/40. what's the point? if you've learnt something, theres no need to get the score to look good. you sit the re-test just beacuse you want the report book to say,"chemistry-pass." that's why i didnt sit for the re-test. we all take life for granted. ms ho shared with us her life story of how she nearly died before her 'A's. she asked us. what are you going to do if you cant sit for the 'A' level paper because you're seriously ill a few months before and missed 4 months of lessons? what will you do? will you go ahead and take it? or stay back another year? for me, my answer to her question was to get on ahead with life. because after which we guys got army for 2 years, so we can't waste anymore years. Then you'll ask. You havn't got any 'A' level certificate, what are you going to do? i say," well, at least i've learnt some stuff in J2 and as long as i remember, it's enough." i won't reveal what i will do yet, but whatever i do, i'll do it for the Lord. Perhaps go into the mission field and reap the harvest. " The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." I LOVE GOD! joash lee at 4:02 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005 philippines, here we come! cebu island. i think. i'm in encouragement. if you guys/girls need any encouragement, come find me. i'm the encourager. haha. do you think that family ties are very important? it's important for me, but i won't put it before God. But there's a struggle. one of the two people who raised me wants to be in control of my life totally. i mean, i'm old enough to manage my own time and stuff, and i know what i'm doing. i've given my whole life to God. He's in control. My life is not in my hands, not in your hands, but in God's. when will you let go? not that i'm being unfilial. i still love you, but i should learn how to rely on God and be dependent on him, not you. i'm broken inside. i really love you, but sometimes its just hard... i know its hard to let go, but i'll still be filial. sigh... obey your parents. i know, this is one of the greatest commandments in the bible. and i can say that i've tried my best to obey you since young. i've been called 'guai kia' and all that stuff, but you know what? i didnt care, why? because Jesus told me to obey your parents. i know that i'm very privileged to have such good parents. and i really thank God that i was born in a christian family and that you have brought me up in a christian surrounding. Thanks. joash lee at 7:18 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005 FAITH- the finale let me introduce to you an airplane. "Taking air safety to newer heights with the world's first all rubber jet...I give you... the BOING 747!!" Suppose that as you take a look at this plane, the flight attendant smiled and said:" Would you come on board please?" How would you answer? Whe you hesitated, she said:" Oh, don't worry. Just have faith and we'll get there all right." How would you respond? Would you have faith in the pilot, the plane, the flight attendant? i guess some of us would say:"NO! are you mad? rubber airplane??!! what if my needle drops on the flight?? won't it explode?! CRAZY!!", while others would react differently:"erm, sorry but no thanks, i'll rather take SIA which is of much better quality." Take another look at this and never make little of your faith, no matter how small it may look to you. It is mountain moving. Use it and a miracle is in the making. If our faith is up-to-date, you can be sure that the days of miracles are not past, for our God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever more. There is no limit to what the Lord will do in answer to daring faith. for nothing is impossible with God. Do not pray for more faith, because 'according to your faith will it be done to you. SUMMARY to be more Christlike- for he has been faithful to us, so we must stay faithful to him also. if you are faithful in small things, God will put you in charge of greater things. even with faith the size of a mustard seed, you are able to move mountains. it's not feelings, but faith that pleases God because without faith it is impossible to please him. -THE END- joash lee at 7:51 PM
Tuesday, August 9, 2005 FAITH- episode II Even as we celebrate national day, i can't help but think how faithful God has been toward Singapore. If God can be faithful to us, why can't we be faithful to him? i've seen so many cases of backsliding.. and i am saddened. Whenever someone is experiencing spiritual dryness, they will always tend to give up and wait till God comes back to them. is that called faithfulness? i myself am experiencing spiritual dryness now.. but i'm still spiritually moist, not totally dry.. you know why? cos i've been seeking God. i've been seeking him day in and out. thus, i'm still moist. In order to have his hand with you, it is absolutely necessary to leave all in his hand. When God is with us, people will believe, and when they believe, they will turn to the Lord. "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." Faith takes the strain out of life and the suspense out of eternity. God has given us faith to remove mountains and grace to look over the little hills. God honours the faith of the believer in the behalf of those who have none. A religion of ritual and works can wear you out. A faith that believes God for anything can lift you up. " Without faith it is impossible to please God." the next quote is taken from Rick Warren, author of the purpose driven life. (and also mentioned sometimes by ruth) "It is faith, not feelings that pleases God." to be continued... joash lee at 9:21 PM
Monday, August 8, 2005 FAITH- episode I FAITH. as pastor kow once said," Faith is the hand that takes what the Lord gives." God is dying to bless you. He really wants to pour out his blessings on you. He is just waiting for you to exercise faith so that he wll multiply your blessings ten-fold/hundred-fold. There is no such thing as small faith or big faith. Faith is faith. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can even move mountains!! how amazing is that! There is no such thing as you have 70% faith, so i will heal you 70%.. nah. these things are unreal. 1% is still faith. and you can get healed 100%. Faith is very important. God will put you in charge of small things first, and if he sees that you are faithful, he will put you in charge of greater things. When we step out in faith, the Lord will give us something to stand on. "This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith, only believe." When Jesus called peter to walk on water, he had faith and began walking to Jesus, but after a while, he lost faith, so he started to sink. Spoken faith is a mighty force capable of bringing to pass what appear sot be the impossible. Dare to believe in God for anything. There is no wall thick enough or armed enough to stand against one seed of faith. On with the march. Faith, praise, power and obedience will see the walls down and the windows of heaven open! "By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days." Daring christians are a delight to God. He knows best and he will do what is best. He is our advocate; tust his judgement. "without faith it is impossible to please God." to be continued... joash lee at 11:03 PM
Sunday, August 7, 2005 KINDNESS. i'll talk about kindness and goodness together. how many of you are kind? kind as in- not being selfish, lending something to someone when they need something.. blah blah blah. if you really like a person, or love a person, you would treat the person really nicely. like being kind and good to him/her and all. yup. but wat about your enemy? didn't the Bible tell us to love your enemies? how many of us actually seriously try to be nice and kind to them? If you try and you still fail to, its understandable cos.. i mean, he/she's your enemy! how can you be like nice to him/her? that's what the world is teaching us..'hate your enemies..curse them till they drop and die..' that kind of thing. but at least you tried. not like some people who never even try.. whom upon seeing the person try to avoid..as if got SARS like that.. i believe that all of us are able to love our enemies. its just a matter of time, effort and patience. i believe that all of you have best friends. i am no exception. i'm not trying to criticise anyone here, but seriously, think about it. Will your best friends lay down your life for you? maybe they will.. but some of your friends may not. Most of them are downright selfish! they all tend to think for themselves. and if something that you ask them to do doesn't benefit them, they will not do it... If you don't believe me, you can go experiment. but God sent his ONLY son, so that we who were born sinners, and we who have fallen short of the glory of God, can now look to him, and fellowship and experience with him. Because of Christ. He loved us so much that he was even willing to die for us, and do you know how humiliating it is to be crucified?! HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIM!!!! joash lee at 7:38 PM
Thursday, August 4, 2005 PATIENCE. i remember talking about this before. about waiting and all. waiting is a very important process of your life. God puts you through this process of waiting everyday because he wants you to be trained to be patient with one another. i remember waiting for a friend for 45 mins because he overslept. we usually complain that the trains take a long time to come. like if it is 8 or 9 mins. and to buy food you got to queue up. everything requires a form of patience. eg. in a restaurant, you don't expect to be served immediately after you've ordered right? you have to wait like 5-10 mins for your food to arrive. God wants to nurture you to become a man just like Jesus. and patience was one of his virtues. i remember in sunday school last time, we were always told there were 3 answers to prayers. yes, no and wait. if you ask for something, either God will give it to you, he will not, or he'll just simply say wait. and if you are not patient, you will never get wat you want. God will see that you are patient and trust in him to provide you with that thing you want. so brothers and sisters, do not complain everytime you have to wait. just be patient because God has something in stored for you! joash lee at 5:20 PM
Wednesday, August 3, 2005 PEACE. the world is now lacking of peace. let's talk about the context of singapore. without peace, there will be riots, fighting going on everywhere. so what triggers these fightings? anger. anger is something that everyone is struggling to manage and control. i think i can control my anger really well. something goes wrong, somebody pisses me off, i will be angry for like 10mins, keep the anger in my heart and just let it extinguish. and then it just fades because i feel that it is just not worth it. nobody can spoil your day. it's a matter of whether you want the person to spoil your day or not. if someone pisses you off, you can decide to shrug it off or bear the anger and live the rest of the day feeling angry. back to the point. if everybody just gets angry for one reason or another, there will be no peace. i'm not saying that it is wrong to be angry. you can be angry, but 'do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and in your anger do not sin.' i know of people who don't get angry at all. and they deserve to be respected by everyone because it is not easy to control your anger. try it. when you get angry, just be still and count to 10. if it still doesnt subside, than count to 20. i've got peace like a river, i've got peace like a river, i've got peace like a river in my soul. joash lee at 5:40 PM
Tuesday, August 2, 2005 JOY. i've got joy that is down in my heart, deep deep down in my heart. Jesus gave it to me, and no one can destroy. Joy is the kind of happiness you get when you do something good, you can't buy joy with money. long ago, i've heard how to earn joy. you put Jesus first, Others next, and yourself last, and you will get joy. Jesus Others Yourself i will go where you send me, Jesus take me now i am yours. here i am, send me. joash lee at 5:21 PM
Monday, August 1, 2005 the future seems so uncertain. i can't lose you. everything seems out of my control. i know why. cos' i've given my life to him. and he is in charge. he has planned out my whole life in detail. plans to prosper and not to harm me. i should just leave it all to him. UNFAILING LOVE. God's love for us is UNFAILING. he never fails us. i want to emphasize on the fruits of the spirit today, here and now. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. i'll talk about one everyday. LOVE. although i speak in tongues, of men and of angels, and have not loved, i am nothing. although i prophecy, and understand all mystery, but have not loved, i am nothing. if i give away all i have, and have not loved, i am nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous or boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own ways, it is not irritable or resentful. it does not rejoice in wrongdoings, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends, as for prophecy, as for tongues, as for knowledge, they will pass away. perfect love casts out all fear. so love one another! joash lee at 6:53 PM