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Profile 17+ PJC 20/12/90 the_ashkid@hotmail.com joash_lee@pacific.net.sg
Wants 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Norah Jones' Album 7.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005 CONFUSED.! joash lee at 7:44 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005 jealous-watchfully tenacious; suspicious or resentful of rivalry in love or affection;envious (taken from OXFORD Dictionary) love is patient, love is kind, love does not boast, and it does not ENVY... (taken from THE BIBLE) that should give you a hint about today. but i'm not going to elaborate further. i've never like felt so lousy before. its also because of other stuff, and when everything bad accumulates up in one single day, boy, will you get a BIG headache! i was wondering why was God allowing all these things to happen to me? and it crossed my mind(not coincidental) that God has a plan for me. and he has everything in control. i've laid everything down at the altar. and i mean EVERYTHING. including _______(hint*). its really tough to lay it down everyday, cos you will have the tendency to forget about it and take over control of something that its not going right. for example today's incident, although it went so wrong and i was so upset, i will not try to take things into my own hands, because i know this is all part of God's plan, and i will not interfere. sometimes i feel useless, because everything is going wrong, and i cant do anything about it, but i know one thing for sure, that God is so much more powerful than me. although you think that you can't do it, the fact is that you have to ask God, who lives within you for the strength. "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." "it is no longer i that lives, but Christ that lives in me." "He that lives within me(JESUS), is greater than he that is in the world(satan)." joash lee at 7:15 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 special moment of the day, chapel. many things happened. firstly, i was playing the drums, and matter-of-factly, i suck. but oh, who cares? the last time i played for chapel like 2 months ago, i screwed up TOTALLY and didn't play for the next 2 months. But i've decided to play today. and when we were practicing before the congregation came in, i was uttering a small prayer,"God, fill me with your holy spirit." i kept repeating that... and when the congregation came in, there was this peace-God's peace, that overcame me and i was calm. then, the real thing started. i sorta made a mistake in the first song, but somehow or rather, i managed to get back to the beat without anyone realizing it. and i played it like i never played before..the drum rolls and all... and know what's the surprise? 3 people came up to me and told me it was good! that was when God reminded me that he helped me, it wasn't by my skills or pure luck, but it was through the power of the Holy Spirit.! Amen! these few days i have been praying to God to ask him to fill me with the Holy Spirit, and true enough, he did. praise God! secondly, it was the message by miss lim. she talked about putting on the armour of God. the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, shoes of peace, shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. and amazingly, everything referred back to Jesus Christ! He said he was 'the way, the TRUTH and the life...', 'find PEACE in me', 'I am your SALVATION' and others. it was so amazing to see so many references to Jesus being our armour. i just sat in aldersgate in awe of him, so so amazing... everything could fall in place, it's like a jigsaw puzzle, everything fits in...and she told us some testimonies, and what happens when you put on the full armour of God. and on monday, miss wong shared devotions. God's hand was at work again. one of my friends shared with me a verse-psalms 37:4 'delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.' and, miss wong shared that exact same verse. i mean, talk about coincidence! same verse out of like millions of verses?? Isn't it amazing to see God working? I guess God was telling me that he will bless me if i delight in him. so therefore i urge all of you to 'put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.'(ephesians 6:11), delight yourself in GOD, and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. 3 points to takeaway today! joash lee at 4:05 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2005 'a prayer of a fervent man is powerful and effective.' i thank God for all of you who have kept me in your prayers. i was renewed, refreshed, rejuvenated yesterday at the prayer meeting. yep. i could sense God drawing to me, as we knelt in prayer, i just cried my heart out to God to draw close to me. so, he has! how amazing, powerful is that? i've been singing a song in my head through these few days, all thanks to helsa who send me the song. thanks! haha. yep. its 'all i want is you' by planetshakers. yep. its a really meaningful song. let me tell you some of the lyrics..'take me to the secret place, where i can only see your face, and nothing else will ever feel this way....i stand here in this place, see the glory of your face, taken by the wonder of your name..I'M DESPERATE FOR YOUR TOUCH, NEVER NEEDED IT SO MUCH, COS ALL I WANT IS YOU..' joash lee at 8:10 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 please pray for me..i was once a bright light burning for Jesus. but now...the light is flickering..going to be extinguished. pray that it will not...cos i dun want it to. and sorry to my loyal readers for not posting for such a long time(i guess its only 1 or 2 loyal readers right?). as i said, the light is flickering, so i couldnt get any inspirations, and i couldn't write anything cos i havnt heard from God about what to write. i'll write again when he tells me. i have never felt so far from him in my entire life. spiritual dryness.....i guess. i have never felt such emptiness in me.. life is perfectly normal..except for some studying disabilities...(i failed tests again..) oh btw. now my anger management stinks. i get angry very easily now. not like last time. so you can pray for me too...that i will 'not sin in my anger, and not let the sun go down on my wrath.' thanks once again.! and for discipline in studying. i've always been distracted by small stuff going on around me... yupp... I'VE FOUND JOY IN JESUS! joash lee at 5:10 PM