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Profile 17+ PJC 20/12/90 the_ashkid@hotmail.com joash_lee@pacific.net.sg
Wants 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Norah Jones' Album 7.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Lord it was you who created the heavens. Lord it was your hand that put the stars in their place. Lord it was your voice that comes as the morning. even oceans and the waves, will bow at your feet. Lord who am i, compared to your glory, oh Lord? Lord who am i, compared to your majesty? i'm your beloved, your creation, and you love me as i am. you've called me chosen, for your kingdom. unashamed to call me your own, i'm your beloved.! joash lee at 2:56 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2005 yesterday was a horrible day. terrible. training was tiring, and after that didnt feel like going anywhere, doing anything. but i thank God that i went for prayer, because some bad stuff AND good stuff happened there. the bad stuff spoiled my whole day, i was like whatever... i'm freaking tired already, so i can't be bothered about it anymore. the good stuff is that i talked to someone about it, and i feel better about it. i think i'm getting way off hand. somebody control me please. really. i'm so screwed. we'll be leaving next sunday, and i'm not prepared yet. and in addition, i've got all these stupid injuries that its hard for me to train now. now we train 7 hours every alternate days. 8am to 5pm with a 2hour break in between. that sucks. big time. i don't give a shit about this anymore. this totally sucks, and it hurts me. why does it come to haunt me all the time? get away, before vituperations fly out of my mouth, at you. i'm so gonna beat you upside down, thrash you flat on your face. GO AWAY BEFORE SOMETHING NASTY HAPPENS!!! joash lee at 10:24 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 i'm finally going to get my ipod mini.!!! although the nano is the in thing, i don't like it because its battery cant last long. my mom says she'll buy it for me. but i don't know when. probably before christmas. i think that the ipod mini is the best one so far, so i'm gonna get it. i was so disappointed when they stopped selling. it was the best. harry potter was great.! this is the funniest harry potter movie i've seen so far. and the one with the most romance. its the one with the most suspense, action and fighting. voldemort is disgusting. in this one, all three of them have grown up, very different from the last one. pretty girls and handsome dudes, find it all in this episode.! joash lee at 5:00 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005 went to taka today, saw sesame street performing.. i realised that i never ever watched it before. lolx.! ate crystal jade with my mom, saw laura. went shopping for christmas gifts with my mom. saw many things that i like, but then again, she wasnt buying anything for me. well, i guess its the time that we spent together that's important. after that went to church, super early. well, listened to yz and band play some songs. and timothy was making wierdd noises. oh well, the main thing that struck me today was the sermon of the service. it was about focusing our lives on something/someone. but what is that something/someone? what will be the centre of my life? people think that our lives are like pies. there is a segment of each important thing in our lives in that pie. studies... work... play... cca... blah blah blah. well, people think that God also takes up one segment of the pie. totally wrong. God should be the filling of the pie, in fact the whole pie!! he should be the centre of our lives, in control of what we do. everything we do revolves around him. is your life self-centred or christ-centred? what will be the character of my life? do you want to conform to the patterns of this world? i hope you don't. the Bible tells us to think and act like Jesus Christ. in whatever you do, just remember, Jesus went through the same things as we did. loneliness, pain, suffering, happiness..... but his response to the situations he was in was different from ours. in any circumstance, just remember these 4 letters. WWJD.? what would Jesus do in that circumstance? then do it. another point, i've been emphasizing on the fruits of the spirit, and well, pastor mentioned it today. Jesus' attitude was full of the fruits of the spirit. as i said in a recent post, in whatever you do, try to have the fruits of the spirit in your life. now character defines who you really are. you're not going to take anything materialistic from this earth to eternity, but you're going to take your character with you. if God wants to mould you, he will put you in that opposite situation. if he wants you to learn to be patient, he will make you wait for every bus, wait for your food, stop at every traffic light.... are you going to reject all these just because of your own comfort? or are you going to allow God to shape and mould you, to become the character that is of Christ.? will you do the right thing, or do what is favourable in your situation? what will be my contribution of my life? am i going to focus my life on getting or giving? it is more blessed to give than to receive. take this christmas as an opportunity to give. what will be the communication of my life? God wants people to watch your life and see Christ in you. be a living testimony. who do you think they will listen to? a pastor who is paid to 'be the good and holy man'? or someone who just wants to live for Christ? real life sharing(testimonies) are way more powerful then fake ones. so take time to share about how God has worked in your life, like i'm doing on this blog. tell the world that Jesus lives.! we all have to get one thing right, we don't have to be perfect to tell others to do the right thing. the world is full of foneys/phonies(i don't know how to spell), they want real, authenthic people, giving real testimonies, and telling the truth, not conning them. in this life that God has given us, are we too concerned about promoting ourselves or are more concerned about sharing the gospel? whatever i wrote here, take time to ponder over it. all the points are taken from pastor kow's sermon, i added some myself. we are blessed to be a blessing to the world around us. joash lee at 8:20 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005 the Lord giveth and taketh away. but my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name! it is really hard to do so. he put juniors in my life, but i didnt get the chance to get to know them better, and i really regret it. sometimes i wonder, is it really human nature that when we lose something will we then appreciate it? as they say," absence makes the heart grow fond." i've only realised how good my juniors are, and now i have to leave. sometimes i don't know what are God's plans for me. i've decided to open up now, and be more sociable, but then now he asked me to leave. i really don't know what he wants for me in my life. although it seems like a bad thing now, i'm sure it'll turn out to be something good in the future, because God makes all things work for the good of those who love him. now that he has taken away, will i be able to say,"blessed be your name!"? i really don't know. all i know is that i have to get over this disappointment, and all the memories will stay with me forever. i used to hate all these rubbish, but now i guess i'm starting to love it. FMSS SC'04/05, i love you. i have so many things to say to you all, yet so little time and no opportunities. i just pray and hope that ms ng will allow me to go for the farewell. if not, i'll just wish you all all the best for anything and everything you do. do it for the glory of God. you will remain in my heart forever. take care.! joash lee at 3:36 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 what kind of legacy would you like to leave behind when you die? not the money part, but when you die, would you like people to weep for you, or otherwise? scenario 1 friend1: "hey, i heard that _______ just passed away." friend2: "oh that bastard...good riddance." scenario 2 friend1: "hey, *weeps* you know that *sniff* ______ passed away?" friend2: "oh man...he was a great guy...i'm gonna miss him.." which legacy would you like to leave behind? its really all up to you. the way you treat people, the way you present yourself....blah blah blah. make the best out of your life, 1 life, live it. joash lee at 8:09 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 the christian lifestyle. is much different from 'the world's' definition of lifestyle. the world thinks that in whatever you do, 'if you feel good, just do it!' one of paul's definition of the christian lifestyle is stated in the letter to one of the churches. in your life, you must have the fruits of the spirit. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. love one another, show it through your actions and deeds.'be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.' ephesians 4:2 'be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.' romans 12:12 always live in peace with one another, do not fight. be kind to everyone, and do not be biased to the people you like. show love to EVERYONE. including your enemies. be faithful in things you do, for 'if you're faithful in small things, God will put you in charge of greater things.' learn to control yourself. learn to say no to things that is not pleasing to God. joash lee at 8:37 PM
Thursday, November 10, 2005 sometimes we have to be steady and give up the things we really want and do the right thing. if only i could tell you how much i love you, but there'll always be risks. spiderman will always have enemies. now you know why we can't be together. because i'm spiderman. joash lee at 7:46 PM
Monday, November 7, 2005 sometimes when life's too tough, you have to learn to let go. if you know you can't take it anymore, LET GO. i'm not saying you give up when you havnt even tried. you cant juggle so many balls at the same time. you'll drop all eventually. trust me. don't think you're superman or wonderwoman, trying to do everything under the sun. you can't. you're merely a human being. well, this has been a great learning experience for me. learn to let go. i've tried it for almost close to a year before letting go. if pride is stopping any of you from doing anything, learn to cast it away. pride is the main thing that God is upset at men about. often we are so proud that we forget our maker. we forget that there is someone higher than us, someone that is much much much more powerful than us. that is God. pray to God, ask him to take away the pride, ask him to teach you how to be humble, for he humbled himself as a man and came down to die for all our sins, that we may be clean in the presence of God. He was the ultimate sacrifice. if he, as God, could humble himself, why not man? today's challenge: learn to humble yourself. if you have to make a decision that requires laying down of pride to please God, i encourage all of you to do it. i just made a huge decision. and i humbled myself. be humble. joash lee at 10:10 PM
Tuesday, November 1, 2005 how often does one make new friends? all the time? i don't think so. its once a year or something. yeah. that's in my case i guess, so i really appreciate all my friends, and really make the effort to find out more from the other party. that's when i start thinking about my normal everyday friends. do i really put in full effort to make sure i get to know them inside out? nope. i guess sometimes i take some people for granted, but not all. some of my closest friends, i tell them once in a while how much they mean to me, so that when i die, i won't regret. today's challenge: start to get to know people around you better, and tell them how much they mean to you. try to make new friends if possible, and not just for that day. let that friendship last throughout your life. make a positive impact in another person's life today. joash lee at 9:04 PM