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Profile 17+ PJC 20/12/90 the_ashkid@hotmail.com joash_lee@pacific.net.sg
Wants 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Norah Jones' Album 7.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006 he is blogging out of routine, though he hasn't blogged in a long time, he doesn't know what he's going to blog about. today was fine. went for service with melissa, didn't intend on going to lessons, but decided to follow mel. anyways he and mel joined the other guys group for today. he was quite okay with it. wasnt' too bad. he wanted to getaway from life in Singapore, to just relax and do non-routined stuff, which was good for him in a way no one could ever understand. well, it's just, him. he was sort of an introvert. didn't want people to know about stuff. but he wanted to feel loved. kinda ironic, contradictory right? man, this was tough. he just wants to go to chiangmai and spread the love of Jesus Christ. though he knew God knew what was best for Him. your will, not mine, be done. are you gonna be my wonderwall? joash lee at 2:12 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006 he felt like shyte. everything just came down onto him. after some counselling, he realised that friends were made to be accepted. he didn't know what to think. just... shyte. they prayed and after a while he was nearly in tears. he wasn't sure of anything, it's like people have their ups and downs, but they just sucked.(the ups and downs, not the people) the only thing he was sure of was the security he had in Christ, the solid Rock, the Cornerstone. the ever faithful, unchanging God, who never failed him. he felt good that he was in the hands of his Creator. but somethings are just overwhelming him. just lie back and let me do everything. you layed it all at my feet, remember? he didn't want to put on the mask, the stained glass masquerade, just wanted to show who he really is, like when he's sad, he doesn't want to show that he's happy, when the truth is, he's hurting badly deep inside. but sometimes he's just gotta act happy, because God says to rejoice with those who rejoice, but didn't God also say mourn with those who mourn? he's confused. someone enlighten him please. well, he thinks that we should rejoice at the time to rejoice, but when its time to mourn, we should all mourn together. is it? am i the only one in church today feeling so small? am i the only one in church today, who has traded the alter for a stage, for the stained glass masquerade? joash lee at 7:41 PM
Tuesday, February 7, 2006 as he boarded the bus, he listened to his ipod and just let himself relax and listen to the music. he was enjoying worshiping God. along came this guy and a girl, not a couple, who boarded the bus too. they were talking quite loudly. even when he blasted the music, he could hear snippets of their conversations.... wait a minute, did i just hear the eff word? looking at the guy, he wasn't that surprised because he was a young adult. it was common. but something struck him. he looked at the guy's t-shirt and saw that he was affliated with a church. he had caught the word 'Christ' on the shirt. he was disappointed. at that point in time, he was listening to 'lifesong' by casting crowns. shouldn't our lifesong sing to HIM? if our lifesong doesn't sing out to HIM, all our songs we sing to HIM don't either! he couldn't do anything but cry out in his heart. he was starting to really feel God's heartbeat... let my lifesong sing to You, let my lifesong sing to You, i want to sign Your name at the end of each day, knowing that my heart was true. let my lifesong sing to You. joash lee at 6:40 PM
Monday, February 6, 2006 indulgence. is it a bad thing? he thought that indulging in work and sports will keep his mind from stuff going on, but it was never meant to be. he decided to indulge in God's love. so amazing, so divine, it demanded his soul, his life, his all. and it was a beautiful feeling. indulgence in God's love, wow! he decided that he would indulge not in chocolates, not in work, not in sports, but in God's love. the beautiful love. perfect love, which casts out all fear. that's it. perfect love casts out all fear! how could i live without you? your love is higher than the heavens, deeper than the seas. all i want is YOU in my life. this is my one desire... joash lee at 9:40 PM
Sunday, February 5, 2006 SE7EN things that make me smile 1. jokes. really funny ones. 2. people coming to accept Jesus as Saviour. 3. people appreciating me. 4. people all over the world worshipping God.! 5. sponsor so that I could go on endless mission trips! 6. making people smile. 7. a really good movie. Like GOAL! SE7EN ways to win my heart 1. love God. 2. affirm me with words of encouragement. 3. I like hugs! :) 4. love Jesus. 5. inner beauty. Though I don’t mind outer beauty too. 6. be always there for me. And I mean ALWAYS. Which only God can do. 7. love the Holy Spirit. SE7EN things I believe in 1. Jesus Christ! 2. strong friendship. 3. school should not be compulsory. 4. helping people. 5. the Bible. 6. living for Jesus. 7. there’s nothing wrong with having a really close friend of the opposite gender. SE7EN things I'm afraid of 1. going to hell 2. judgement day 3. creepy crawlies 4. injections, needles, all that. 5. drowning. 6. going blind, deaf, paralyse, all that. 7. caning. Like the real stuff they do in jail, not parent’s one. (I’ve seen pictures.) SE7EN things that I do everyday 1. study. 2. pray. 3. devotions! 4. use my handphone. 5. bathe. 6. eat!!! 7. make people laugh (especially evan goh). SE7EN people I want to see right now 1. God. 2. swordfeesh 3. James (from the Bible) 4. someone special 5. Misu and podok (from Myanmar)-twins 6. cebu people 7. tonton (from Myanmar also) SE7EN people who should do this 1. any seven people can do this! joash lee at 7:38 PM
Saturday, February 4, 2006 as he walked into the hall, he could feel the presence everywhere, HIS presence. he was feeling weary, but as he walked in and started to serve HIM, he could feel a sense of renewal, refreshment. before all this he was hesitating whether or not to come, but now that he came, there was not an iota of regret. kudos to HIM. soon after, he looked around, and saw her. he asked himself, what am i feeling now? he was confused. he didn't know what he was thinking. he just hoped that the feeling won't disappear. so many things had happened before, and now he doesn't even know who she is anymore. he looked at her outward appearance and said in his mind, NO! i don't want to look at the outward appearance alone! i want to know her innermost being. that's it! her innermost being. he sat there and thought for a long time. he started to feel hungry and thirsty. as he walked to the back, he noticed many eyes staring at him, like an alien from outerspace. i don't care what people will say, i'm running after HIM. that kept him going. he went to the toilet to freshen up, and after that his thoughts cleared, and he let all his burdens to HIM. he never felt so light, so free. he wondered if he could feel this everyday..... joash lee at 9:32 AM