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Profile 17+ PJC 20/12/90 the_ashkid@hotmail.com joash_lee@pacific.net.sg
Wants 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Norah Jones' Album 7.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006 guess what? i havn't been blogging. for almost 2 weeks already! amazing isn't it? i used to blog every other day, but now, its like studies are way more important. so many things happened during the past 2 weeks, lets recap and update. firstly, i lost a best friend, as in she just slipped away(for reasons that cannot be made known), and stopped hanging out with me no more. i went into a period of depression, because of studies also. was super stressed and got pissed at almost anything. i tried all ways and means to get back together with that friend. but i got dissed and snubbed really bad. i remember that night i cried. (unbelievable right;she was super close to me la) but after a while, decided to let go and let God. cried at the altar and confided in God about all my troubles and burdens. after which, i stopped trying so hard. that's the best part about God's plan. i stopped, he started. soon, a while after, we were alright again. now we're back to the same. praise God. really, it really seemed really impossible at that time, but God made a way. we weren't even talking, and totally stopped everything. BUT God was really awesome. straight after i decided to stop trying so hard, God came in and fixed the situation. really, words cannot describe this wonderful and amazing comeback. now we're still the best of friends. ((: another main highlight of the two weeks was making new friends! started a new chemistry and biology tuition, and it was in a huge group. i'll spare you the details, but this person stood out to me, so i decided to make friends with her. this wonderful person's name is eliza teo. (: she was (and still is) high almost all the time, and within a few days, we got really close. and it was totally strengthened when i visited PLMC, her church. i shall not reveal how nice this girl is, but really, find out for yourself. =p talking and emailing her has made me grow so much in my walk with God, cos when i encourage her about stuff, i'm reminding myself too. i really really treasure her alot! thank God so much for you-eliza! ((((: there were many revelations within the week itself. firstly, it was the call to hwa chong. DSA via volleyball.(1) my coach casually asked me, and i just replied him, said i was up for it. God spoke to me, alot of stuff, but i'll summarize for time's sake. he said there was enough christian influence in ACJC, which was my first and only choice of JC. but God opened a way to HC, (2)and told me that he was sending me to HC to be a light among the darkness. once again today, he affirmed this decision. i was reading some christian material and chanced upon this passage. can't remember the reference though. (3)something about leaving 99 to go save 1 lost sheep. and that there was more rejoicing in heaven for one sinner's repentance than that of 99 who don't need repentance. and guess what? i'm really excited. (: 'Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.' Hebrews 11:1 i'm putting my faith and trust in God. now the no.s are to represent the 3 affirmations that God told me. yup. and one more thing, i experienced a wonderful miracle on friday. thursday night, i was chatting with ian casually. i asked whether i should bring my guitar to like sing a few songs before school, something like devotions. then he said it was too rushed. so he suggested after school. i said, why not? i msged about 5-6, can't remember the exact no. telling them that there was cell meeting after school for about half an hour. ian and i didn't plan anything, or didn't even know what we were going to do, cos we thought, aiyah, think sure very little people come one lah. the time came. we started worship first, and when i had time to count, the nos. grew to about 20. and that's practically half the class. it was so amazing. everything was so smooth that nobody could tell it wasn't planned. we could feel the Holy Spirit's presence in there, and surprisingly, everyone worshiped freely! praise God. after worship, we got into groups to pray for our exams, and our class chairman who was going for an operation. we surrounded her, laid hands on her and prayed. either she was so touched by our actions, or touched by the Holy Spirit, that she cried. amazing. i was so led by the Spirit that verses came to mind to share with the group about appropriate things. God was just so....amazing and wonderful. after which, we sang somemore and kept praying. sadly we had to end it as people had to go for other activities. all in all, it was totally awesome. and it all started with my conversation with ian on thursday night, 10.32pm. no eye has seen, no ear has heard... God had it all planned. it was beautiful. that's about all my past 2 weeks has been. just ups and downs. but whatever the case, God is always there. (: joash lee at 10:26 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006 sometimes its best not to think so much, you think? there. we have to think about everything. why can't we be simple-minded and just not think/worry about anything? why can't we leave everything to God? God blessed us with a brain to think. what's wrong with thinking? thinking-worrying. thinking makes you cry, of course, when you think of all the unpleasant stuff. that's exactly what i did. so what's wrong with the world? why am i thinking so much? why? joash lee at 8:40 AM
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 www.furtive-me.livejournal.com i deleted the other blog, and decided to try livejournal. anyone who has tips to improve, tell me! it looks like my phone now. ahaha. joash lee at 4:33 PM
Monday, April 3, 2006 revelation: rejoice in the Lord always, no matter what circumstances. i've been through so much, yet none of it can compare to the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ. to live is Christ, to die is gain. let this be a learning opportunity for me, that i may grow more and more like Christ. he died for me, why shouldn't i live for him? i've been let down time and time again, by the people closest to me. or i thought so. i used to think church was the best place to be in, i was wrong. its kinda ironic, cos i want to spend time in God's presence, yet its so stifling in church, everyone's part of a clique, no true fellowship. i dread each and every moment before and after service. but now, i'm alive and well, and i'm going to rejoice and be glad, because Jesus died for me, and he made the day, so i'll rejoice! Father Lord i pray that you'll guard my mind and tongue from any evil thoughts, or any unclean thoughts, Lord, that you will constantly be on my mind. i pray that you will give us clean hands and pure hearts, because you said in your word, that he who has clean hands, and a pure heart, will ascend on the mountain of the Lord. i want to ascend on your mountain, Lord. and i pray that you'll give me strength, and overcome all my problems, just like you've overcome the world. teach me to be humble, Lord, that i may be used by you, because you use the humble to shame the proud. who am i? that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name care to feel my hurt. who am i? that the bright and morning star would choose to light the way on my ever wandering heart. not because of who i am but because of what you've done not because of what i've done but because of who you are i am yours. joash lee at 10:20 PM