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1. A Division Finals at Toa Payoh
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3. Pencilbox
4. Nike Duffel Bag
5. In-ear earphones
6. Norah Jones' Album
7. Crumpler The Bundle


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Monday, August 27, 2007

i've thought it clear. it's about me and God, not including anyone else. the other people are just there to support me (thanks cass!) and keep me running the race of life. i'm gonna focus on my goal, that is to study hard to glorify God, and promote. I like what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said in this case,

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18 (NIV)

I hope by the end of this year, i will be able to say the same. I know God can promote me if it's his will, but even if he doesn't, and i'm retained in JC1, I want everyone to know that I'll not be moved, and that it's God's plan for me.

Tan Jiayi, if you ever read my blog, i just wanna tell you that you've encouraged me tremendously. Your fervour and passion for the Lord is igniting and burning, and you've helped me to reignite my spark into a burning flame for God. Thanks. At the bbq, you kept rebuking those who were spouting vulgarities. I'm amazed at the change in you. Haha. Yeah, anyway, thanks. Continue, setter and vice-captain! Hah. Exactly the same as me. Lol.

Mr Yaw always said, "You're a full-time student, part-time volleyballer." I'm gonna make amendments to that. I'm a full-time christian, part-time student who happens to be in volleyball.

Joash, FLAME ON.

joash lee at 6:06 PM

Sunday, August 26, 2007

today sucked. sucked to the max. the thing(s) that happened just served to reignite my feelings to leave this church, and sadly, it isn't the church, it's because of one, two, maybe a few people. to make things worse, they postponed cell, as usual. what happened to the commitment? we said, no matter what happened, we'll stick to the schedule and proceed with meeting. what happened?

damn it i can't take anymore.what the hell is wrong with my life? i'm this close to insanity. and suffering from insomnia, i can't even have a proper night's sleep, damn it. screw PW, screw all the freaking projects and presentations, screw everybody. life is shit.

joash lee at 10:37 PM

Sunday, August 19, 2007

what the hell man utd lost. 3 games, 2 points. worst start to a league in history. crap man.

on the bright side, i'm happy cos i'm with CASS! it's been great so far, and i'm excited about the future! today's worship was okay, i played a few wrong chords here and there, though it was unnoticable. yep, and REINER is leaving for melbourne to study! :( he's the most influential leader in the TTB music min. take care reiner, if you ever read this.

well, the week starts again, and volleyball suspension is KILLING ME. can't stand it man. i'm dying to play again. after promos, there may be a trip to a sports school in KL, so it'll be 24/7 volleyball! can't wait.

5 weeks to promos.

joash lee at 10:39 PM

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

hey everybody. i didn't know so many people read my blog, so i'm gonna be careful about what i blog from now on. all you stalkers, who read and don't tag, freaking me out. anyway, as some of you already know, if you interact with me everyday, i'm currently attached. so you kay-pohs who keep asking and asking, STOP BUGGING ME. yeah, her name's cassandra. yeah, i've said it, it's out in the open. so please don't go around asking people who are related to me, "eh joash and cass together ah?" and PLEASE TAG WHEN YOU READ MY BLOG. it really helps alot. thanks. God has blessed me, i'm a happy man now. though i'm suspended from volleyball. that sucks. yeah. BIO now. see ya!

joash lee at 1:05 PM

Thursday, August 9, 2007

so many different emotions this week. i was ecstatic on monday, some of you know why. :D i'll wait a while before i reveal who SHE is. tuesday was okay, had a long chat with hosea at vivo. wed was the worse. i kept getting mood swings. morning was not so bad, the celebrations and all, and watched Perfect Stranger with Cass, Denise, Jianyun, Joanna and her 2 friends. i spent time with HER.

after that, I had teacher-parents meeting, and cos of my grades, i had to see the VP. and guess what? he took away the game. Volleyball. My game. Suspended me from volleyball for 7 weeks. I was so upset about it I cried, and refused to talk to my parents. SHE was there encouraging me, thanks, you-know-who. i went to the bbq, and did alot of work. guess it kinda helped to clear my mind and free my thoughts. so it wasn't so bad. went home with nicholias and michelle, and michelle said i made nicholias very happy and entertained.

SHE left for tioman this morning, coming back on sunday. can't wait for sunday.

joash lee at 9:10 PM

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